Lesson Information

 Lesson Information: Terms and Conditions

Please read the following for important lesson information and fees.

Lessons are 52 weeks a year including School Holidays and Bank Holidays.
Unless you hear otherwise the lessons will always take place.
You do not have to attend every week but I shall always charge and will not rearrange the lesson if you do not give me 24hrs notice to cancel or reschedule.

Lesson prices are as follows:

£27 for 30 minutes

£40.5 for 45 minutes

£54 for 1 hour 

Payment is made by bank transfer for blocks of ten lessons. You may pay by cash if you prefer to pay weekly.

Please read below for further information:

Please do not hesitate to contact me through WhatsApp if you have any queries or concerns.

Kind regards,
Natasha Cuin-Wilson